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Medicon is powered by the most innovative fully advanced polyclinics, medical centers & hospitals. Medicon corporation was established in 2021, bringing a wealth of commercial & real estate experience through their joint shareholders with the mission of building upscale medical hubs in Egypt’s major districts.

Medicon is the first project to be launched in the New Administrative Capital, with more scheduled to follow in major key districts around Cairo within the coming few years, and at a later stage around the Middle East area. With an investment of 1.5 Billion EGP, medicon is expected to quickly establish itself as a renowned medical real estate developer in Egypt, preparing itself to be one of the pioneer companies in this field, in the ever growing up scale medical real estate industry that is taking shape in Egypt.

Medicon is the most innovative medical hub in Egypt & the Middle East it’s located in R7 of the New Capital in the heart of the residential area. This outstanding Hub will be connected with greater Cairo beside the Cathedral in front of station number 1 of the monorail & metro. Moreover, New Capital’s Airport that will connect it to the whole world.

Medicon Projects

Medicon | Phase 1