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Space to Grow shaping the new " Egypt "

Living for decades on a limited 5% of land, with an increasing population that imports 40% of food, left the government with no choice but to expand into the desert. With all the internal and external political issues, the real estate sector in Egypt is on the rise, with the ongoing demand of houses and population increase. A new plan for the urban development was adopted to overcome the crowded cities and building smart infrastructure and new roads for better speedy transportation.

The fact that Egypt is facing a major boom in the urban and infrastructure development especially by undertaking The New Admin Capital project as a major relief to the congestion in Cairo and deterioration of rural areas and the concentration of economic activities and services, political power, and wealth in the major urban centers and mainly in Cairo.

The strategic plan for urban development in Egypt aims to increase the built-up areas and establish urban communities and cities that will decrease the percentage of residents living in slum areas from 38% to 5% by 2030.

Giving priority to reduce congestion in the old cities and building new modern sustained cities by developing a well structured infrastructure that will shape the new Egypt in phases, as for phase one, this is an example for the new communities that are taking place: The New Admin Capital – New October – October Gardens - New Alamein – Sphinx City - New Mansoura - East Port Said - Nasser in West Assiut - West Qena - New Obour - New Toshka – etc. The total areas of these new communities are about 500 thousand feddans representing more than 50% of the total areas of urban communities that have been developed during the previous 40 years.

It is expected that upon the complete development of the New Urban Communities, they will accommodate about 14 million capita, and provide about 6 million permanent job opportunities. Taking Greater Cairo as an example, the population is expected to double in the next few decades, with a population of nearly 20 million as of today. The New Admin Capital will contribute in the development of around 50% from the expansion plan with more than 400 developers working in various projects.

Advantages of urbanization in Egypt

  • Solving the unemployment problem.
  • High transportation facilities.
  • More education opportunities.
  • Advanced recycling process.
  • Availability of internet connections.
  • More modernized equipment.
  • Higher wages in cities on average.
Space to Grow shaping the new " Egypt "

Urban Development Programs till 2030

  • Combining the present with the future Egypt’s 2030 vision is the blueprint towards sustainability and
  • will shape the new urban development.
  • Reshaping the system for institutional and governance of the urban development and planning management.
  • Eliminating illegal matters in the new urban communities.
  • Building smart cities with green buildings.
  • The renewal and substitution of the infrastructure represented in new cities.
  • Removing the slums and providing security.
  • Achieving equilibrium between demand and supply in the housing sector.
  • Promoting population awareness for the new development areas as the New Capital.
  • Rethinking of the future urban plan.
  • Associating the national urban plan and the investment plan comprehensively for the year 2052.

That was just a glimpse of the Urban Development in Egypt and its path towards sustainability and fighting the long years of urban stagnation for economic growth.
The expansion will maximize the culture and tourism role of the historical Cairo.