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Diamond Tower 1 | Phase 1
Diamond Tower 1 | Phase 1
Diamond Tower 1 | Phase 1
Diamond Tower 1 | Phase 1
Diamond Tower 1 | Phase 1
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Updated 8 May, 2024 | Current Phase

Diamond Tower 1 | Phase 1

It is a new edifice launched by ERG Developments company. It is also a new commercial launch carried out by the company, and it is considered one of the largest investment projects presented in the new capital. It is also characterized by its presence in the center of the most famous areas in the capital, which is the distinctive Downtown area, which has become one of the most important sources of investment in the Administrative Capital and the Middle East. 

The tower also enjoys With distinctive views and destinations, and contains different types of units with modern, modern designs with French touches, and also provides a large number of services, and the main gate of the mall overlooks the largest central garden, knowing that the Diamond Mall offers the best prices and facilities provided by the company on the longest repayment period.

CafesRestaurantUnderground ParkingCommercial area SecurityKids area

  • Area From : 31 m²
  • Finishing : Finished

ERG Developments

Emaar Rizk Group (ERG Developments) was established in 2005 by its owner, Mr. Mohamed Rizk, and it is a leading company in the world of real estate development, specifically in the East of Delta. It has a history of supplying... Read more